
While an art student at the University of California, Berkeley in the early 1970s, Mlyniec set out to develop a three-dimensional painting medium—one that would combine the fluidity of painting with the spatial presence of sculpture—allowing artists to mark up space by floating brush strokes in the air with a wave of their hand. After surveying the limited 3D technologies available at the time, he returned to the University to earn a degree in Computer Engineering, and graduated in 1984, just as the computer graphics industry was being born.

Over the next decade and a half Mlyniec produced award-winning 3D virtual reality software and in 1998 he founded Digital ArtForms in order to focus his professional efforts exclusively on the development and commercialization of the 3D painting system. In 2003 Digital ArtForms released the world's first commercial immersive modeling system.

Throughout this time Mlyniec has created a varied body of three-dimensional physical paintings—acrylic on stuffed canvases, pastel on canvas-upholstered constructions, and pastel and ink on coated found objects. But the layered transparent paintings were the common thread throughout these years and are Mlyniec's most natural medium.

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Gallery Printer Immersive Oil Can